Come walk with us!

Nomad Connect is a relational learning journey

that will open your eyes to the world of nomads!

NOMADs are Not individualistic. Instead, Naturally Networking, they build relationships beyond their group for survival and growth. Internally, they Organize themselves by clan, tribe, or family structures. They see Mobility not just as movement but as a shared resource for freedom, identity, and thriving as a community. Their group’s Autonomy is a sacred value, and they view themselves as Distinct from sedentary, individualistic societies. Understanding this mindset reveals deep truths about God’s design for humanity and equips us to make disciples who reflect His justice, mercy, and love in the world’s most unreached places.

God asked Jonah a question.

“So, why can’t I likewise change what I feel about Nomads from anger to pleasure, 400 million childlike people who don’t yet know right from wrong, to say nothing of all the innocent animals?”

Adapted for nomads from Jonah 4:11, The Message

400 million. Nearly zero disciples.

In the words of one nomad “king” regarding his own tribe of 4 million, “Stay and work with our people, none are more neglected!”


Ask God stir your heart for nomadic peoples. Pray others around you would also join in your interest and curiosity about nomads.

Connect with an agency

Go through an agency's application process and tell them you want to join Nomad Connect to learn all you can about nomads.

Register by 25 April 2025.

All participants must come through a mission agency.

Share it!

Share what you will be doing with others, raise support and prepare for your journey to nomads.

Connect Online

Our digital course is self-paced with a few live cohort calls to connect with your student team and mentors and prepare for the trip.

This needs to be completed by 25 May 2025 to qualify for the field learning journey.

Go to Kenya!

Arrive by 15 June 2025.

Travel and connect with nomadic communities. Learn, pray, grow, experience & prepare to go long-term!

Depart 21 July 2025.


Nomads' unique lifestyle and mindset requires a specialized approach. Sign up to gain exclusive, effective strategies. Along the way, we'll guide you in the process of registering, preparing, and joining Nomad Connect 2025 in Kenya.